Chapter 7 Bankruptcy


There are a number of factors to determine if you are eligible to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
Generally, an individual may file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, unless:Chapter 7 Bankrupycy

  • You received a Chapter 7 discharge within 6-8 years, and depending on the Chapter under which the previous bankruptcy was filed
  • You have the ability to repay some money to creditors, in which a Chapter 13 may be required
  • You are disqualied by the federally MANDATED Means Test, which is a formal income and debt formula added to the Bankruptcy Code in 2005.


Listing all assets and debts is vital to the entire Bankruptcy process. After all the documents are fully and accurately completed, the necessary forms and documents are filed with the court. You then will be required to testify under oath that you have listed all of your assets and debts.

If you would like to learn more about Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and if you qualify, give us a call at (630) 893-2494. We will schedule a free consultation where we will outline how we can help get your financial life back on track.

General Information